Ceris-CNR Working paper 03/2002

Aspetti gestionali e analisi dell’efficienza nel settore della distribuzione del gas
[Managerial aspects and efficiency analysis in the gas distribution industry]

Giovanni Fraquelli
(Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale – Ceris-CNR)

Fabrizio Erbetta

Marzo 2002


The gas distribution in Italy is nowadays subjected to a deep process of deregulation, aimed to strengthen the competitive rules. In the same time, this industry is undergoing intensive regulation constraints, particularly in the definition of service prices. The mentioned deregulation process is considered to impact positively both on profitability and productivity growth. The present study is aimed to verify how cost saving can be regarded as one of the most important competitive advantage.

This analysis is conducted on a sample of 33 firms, observed through the period 1994-1999. Categorical variables such as type of ownership, operational size and diversification of activities are also taken into account.

Key words: Gas utilities, Costs, Productivity growth
JEL: D24, L95

Articolo presentato al Convegno: "I processi di deregolamentazione dei servizi pubblici. Vincoli, opportunità istituzionali e condizioni operative", Università di Salerno, 11-12 aprile 2002