Ceris-CNR Working paper 09/2004


Le politiche industriali regionali nel Regno Unito

Elisa Salvador
National Research Council of Italy
Ceris-Cnr - Institute for Economic Research on Firms and Growth
Via Avogadro, 8 - 10121 – Torino – Italy
Tel.: + Fax: + 
email: e.salvador@ceris.cnr.it


Abstract. This paper aims at examining the regional industrial policies at present in place in the United Kingdom. The analysis is divided in two parts: while the first one provides a survey of the national level, the second one is focused on the regional level. After a thorough description of the governance structure of the industrial policies in the UK, it follows a brief analysis of the incentive schemes provided for firms. The same framework is adopted in the case of Wales, the region choosen for a regional investigation.

The results highlight the importance and the consequences played by the devolution process and the new labour programme. The main changes are the introduction of the Regional Development Agencies in England and the establishment of the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly. These new bodies have the power to elaborate strategies and implement policies to improve the economic development. However, this picture is still in progress, as it lacks clarity on “who does what” at the national level. Besides, fewer and more focused incentive schemes are required and more attention to meet the needs of SMEs should be devoted.


 Keywords: R&D, Industrial Policy

Jel Classification: O33, O38




L’autrice ringrazia per la disponibilità dimostrata e i preziosi suggerimenti: Panikos Christadoulou (London Development Agency, Londra), Emy D’Alessandro (Welsh Development Agency, Milano), Roy Edwards (Welsh Local County Council, Cardiff), Rebecca Harding (London Business School e Work Foundation, Londra), Paul Millar (Department of Trade and Industry, Londra), Jonathan Price e Allan Moss (Welsh Assembly Government, Cardiff), Mark Parkinson (Treasury, Londra), James Price (Welsh Development Agency, Cardiff), David Rosser (Confederation of British Industry, Cardiff), Caroline Turner (Welsh European Funding Office, Cardiff).
Prezioso è stato, inoltre, l’apporto scientifico e lo stimolo fornito durante la ricerca dal dott. Renato Lanzetti (Ires Piemonte).
Un ulteriore ringraziamento va alle biblioteche della “London School of Economics and Political Science” e della “University College London” di Londra per avermi concesso la possibilità di visionare e consultare le loro ricche collezioni.
Il presente lavoro è stato finanziato dall’Assessorato all’Industria della Regione Piemonte e coordinato dal dott. Secondo Rolfo (Direttore Ceris-CNR) e dal dott. Giuseppe Calabrese (Ceris-CNR e Politecnico di Torino), sotto la supervisione del dott. Renato Lanzetti.


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