Ceris-CNR Working paper 15/2004


Organizing the Offices for Technology Transfer 

Chiara Franzoni *
(University of Bergamo and Ceris-Cnr)

Abstract. Research Institutions (RIs) in last decades have been involved in both production of technological applications and commercialization of research results for the sake of technology transfer. These tasks are frequently taken as overlapping both in theory and practice, whereas they should be ideally separated. The present paper focuses on the latter, by questioning why RIs have to be involved into commercialization of research. Drawing on the identification of coordination needs among demand and supply of technological opportunities, evidence of five extensive case studies of Technology Transfer Organizations (TTOs) belonging to RIs is analyzed, with regard to the efficiency of the process of opportunity recognition. The claim for superior efficiency of RIs in technology transfer depends, in a static perspective, on an expected superior capacity of TTOs to manage existing knowledge. However, in practice, TTOs do not always exploit available sources of efficiency gains. Implications for management of knowledge and technology transfer are discussed.


Keywords: technology transfer, OTT, spinoffs, academic patenting

JEL Codes:  O3; L2



* Via Avogadro, 8 
10121 Turin (Italy)
fax. +39.011.5626.058
e-mail: c.franzoni@ceris.cnr.it