Ceris-Cnr, W.P. N° 6/2005 

La Comunicazione Integrata tra Uffici per le Relazioni con il Pubblico della Pubblica Amministrazione
[The communication integrated between Public Relation Offices of Public Administration]

Gian Franco Corio

Abstract. The hypothesis to start a collaboration between Public Relation Offices in relation to the institutional mission to create a system of integrated communication is the consequence of the existence of a "cultural difficulty" to enable the comprehension and acceptance of the role of the URP in their own structures and of the presence of an "inner" difficulty of communication.

Therefore information flows become negative in relation to the needs of the customers whose satisfaction is instead the main objective of the new model of Public Administration.

The definition of the proposal of a plan on a possible interaction between URP is the consequence of the reflection on art.8 item 2 letter e) of law 150/2000, "Discipline of the activities of information and communication of Public Administration": “Public Administration sees to the reorganization of the Public Relation Offices ... guaranteeing the mutual information between the Public Relation Offices of several Administrations". The proposal to collaborate to the definition of the plan "Integrated communication between URP", is based on the following objectives: identification of joint interventions in order to optimize the actions of communication, creation of a system of permanent synergies between services, performance of communication at several levels and creation of one interactive net, creation of an active and integrated communication between Administrations and Agencies. The following set of researches refers to the activity of work group set up and management.

Keywords:  integrated; Public Relations Offices; Public Administration

JEL Codes: L30; L32; L39





Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto di Ricerca sull’Impresa e lo Sviluppo (Ceris-Cnr)
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10024 Moncalieri, Torino
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Email: g.corio@ceris.cnr.it