Ceris-Cnr, W.P. N° 8/2005 

Una proposta di marketing territoriale: una possibile griglia di analisi delle risorse
[One proposal of territorial marketing: one possible grill of analysis of the resources]

Gian Franco Corio

Abstract: Carrying out a marketing operation on a territory means to define the conceptual instruments and acts in order to connect the demand of the territory to its offer; such action has the function to define a geographic area in relation to the expectations and the needs expressed by the demand, both internal and external.
Marketing aims at arousing the interest of those who are actively involved in the "territory" system and at specifying which strategies must be put into effect in order to acquire new customers and in order to satisfy their needs.
This working paper proposes a model of analysis related to the value resources of the territory which need to be worked on, and that is:
-      the space, the places, the events;
-      the infrastructures and the equipment, general and specific;
-      the proposed activities, entertainment, culture, sport and events;
-      the various subject-actors.

Keywords:  Marketing; Territory; Regional Analysis; Development Planning and Policy


JEL Codes:  M31, M39, O18, O20



Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto di Ricerca sull’Impresa e lo Sviluppo (Ceris-Cnr)
Via Real Collegio, 30
10024 Moncalieri, Torino
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Email: g.corio@ceris.cnr.it