Ceris-Cnr, W.P. N° 03/2006 

Analisi economica dell’impatto tecnologico
[Economic Analysis of Technological Impact]

Mario Coccia
(Ceris-Cnr, Italia e Max-Planck Institute of Economics, Iena, Germania)
National Research Council of Italy, Ceris-Cnr
Via Real Collegio, 30
10024 Moncalieri (To) – Italy
Tel.: +39.011.6824.925;  Fax: +39.011.6824.966; email: m.coccia@ceris.cnr.it


Abstract: This research presents the scale of innovative intensity (SIIN) based on a meta-taxonomy that subsume other, less comprehensive taxonomy. The scale is used for a theoretical framework of measurement –technometrics- based on the economic impact of the technological change on the economic system. The technological impact can have positive and negative externalities for society and this is important to compute the Net Social Utility of the technology for adopters and economic and social environment. The theory is applied on the technology catalytic muffler, agricultural mechanisation and aircraft technology and the results show as these innovations have different degree of intensity according to their economic impact on the geo-economic system.

Keywords: Technometrics, Technological Change, Innovation Intensity, Economic Impact, Innovation Patterns, Utility of Technology

JEL Codes: D00, L20, O10, O30, O33





Ringraziamenti: Pur essendo il solo responsabile degli errori ed omissioni riscontrabili nel testo, sento di dover ringraziare per i loro utili consigli scientifici e commenti: Cristiano Antonelli (Università di Torino), Daniele Archibugi (London School of Economics e Cnr di Roma), Fabrizio Erbetta (Università del Piemonte Orientale di Novara), Franco Malerba (Università Bocconi), Secondo Rolfo (Ceris-Cnr di Torino), Giorgio Sirilli (Cnr di Roma), Giampaolo Vitali (Ceris-Cnr di Torino) e due anonimi referees. Ringrazio inoltre i partecipanti delle conferenze: “Canadian Economic Theory Conference”, tenuta alla McGill University in Montreal, Canada; “The DRUID Conference on industrial dynamics, innovation and development”, tenuta a Cophenaghen in Danimarca; “The EU-US Scientific seminar on new technology foresight, forecasting & assessment methods”, tenuta a Seville in Spagna, e lo staff del Max-Planck-Institute of Economics (Jena, Germania) per le loro osservazioni e gli utili suggerimenti.