Ceris-Cnr, W.P. N° 05/2006 

Analisi della Burocrazia negli Enti Pubblici di Ricerca
Parte II

[Bureaucracy analysis within public research bodies]

Mario Coccia
Ceris-Cnr, Italia e Max-Planck Institute of Economics, Germania
Alessandro Gobbino
Ceris-Cnr, Italia
Via Real Collegio, 30
10024 Moncalieri (To) – Italy
Tel.: +39.011.6824.925;  Fax: +39.011.6824.966


Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Bureaucracy within Public Research Bodies and in particular of the Italian National Research Council. The research is presented in two parts: the first one describes the methodology to measure bureaucracy and the sample represented by 11 institutes of National Research Council of Italy.
The second part, instead, analyzes the results of the bureaucracy within Public Research bodies Italian and compare them to the other international studies. The main funding is that the bureaucracy of Italian public research is due to high number of bureaucratic practices rather than the increase of administrative staffs such as in Norway and California Universities. Moreover the Italian Public Research institutes have two organizational behaviour: high bureaucracy – low performance and low bureaucracy – high performance.

Keywords:  Bureaucracy, Efficiency, Administrative staff, Research sector, University, Laboratory, Organization rules 

JEL Codes:   B2, C6, D00, O3 



Ringraziamenti: Gli autori desiderano ringraziare il Prof. Giuseppe Catalano e il Prof. Mario Calderini del Politecnico di Milano e Torino per i preziosi suggerimenti; il direttore del CERIS, Secondo Rolfo, e tutto lo Staff dell’Istituto di Ricerca sull’impresa e lo sviluppo del CNR per i commenti alla presente ricerca. Un ringraziamento particolare è per Silvana Zelli e Maria Zittino per l’attività di editing e per l’istituto ISTAT che ha fornito i dati statistici.