Ceris-Cnr, W.P. N° 07/2008 

Produttivitą, progresso tecnico ed efficienza
nei paesi OCSE

[Productivity, efficiency and technical progress in OECD countries]

Alessandro Manello
Via Real Collegio, 30
10024 Moncalieri (To)


Abstract. This paper aims at analyzing trends in TFP and labour productivity growth. Data Envelopment Analysis is used to estimate a technological frontier and to compare all nations to it. The estimation of Malmquist productivity index as TFP indicators allows to decompose labour productivity growth in efficiency change, technical progress and capital accumulation. This framework is used in the convergence analysis to investigate the role of every single component in the process. The results in term of β-convergence are compared to other studies, to the evidence of σ-convergence analysis and to the results obtained by kernel distribution.


Keywords: Productivity, TFP, Convergence, DEA, Efficiency, Technical Progress


Jel Code: O33, O47, O57