Ceris-Cnr, W.P. N° 01/2009 

Specializzazione produttiva e crescita:
un’analisi mediante indicatori
[Trade specialisation patterns and growth: an indexes-based analysis]

Federico Boffa
Università di Macerata e Ceris

Stefano Bolatto
Collaboratore Ceris

Giovanni Zanetti
Università di Torino e Ceris


Abstract. The paper analyzes the evolution of the trade specialization patterns in Italy and its main trade partners (France, Germany, and the United States).

In the methodological section we discuss the effectiveness of the Lafay index as an indicator of specialization. We then propose some modifications and integrations to the original index, so as to capture specific aspects of the comparative advantages.

In the empirical part, we discuss the implications emerging from the application of the indexes. It confirms the specialization of the Italian manufacturing in low-tech sectors; furthermore, it shows that, differently than other countries, Italy specializes in sectors with stagnating productivity and little drive to globalization.


Keywords: Specializzazione produttiva, Indice di Lafay

JEL Codes: L16, D24