Ceris-Cnr, W.P. N° 08/2009 

Internal organizational demography of public research institutions

 Mario Coccia and Secondo Rolfo
National Research Council (Italy)

via Real Collegio, n. 30, 10024 Moncalieri (Torino) - Italy
Tel.: +39 011 68 24 925; fax : +39 011 68 24 966
m.coccia@ceris.cnr.it; s.rolfo@ceris.cnr.it


Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the public research organizations by a demographic approach. The research focuses on the biggest Italian public research body, considering personnel data of 2004. The results show the irregular spatial structure of the research personnel per macro regions as well as the average age of hiring and index of seniority over time, indicating older research personnel in North and Central Part of Italy than South Italy. This analysis displays the evolutionary change of the research personnel and provides vital information to policymakers in order to improve the future organizational behaviour of this main research institution.


Keywords: Organizational studies, Public Research Institutes, Human Resources

 JEL-codes: I20,  J11, J26


I wish to thank Diego Margon and Silvana Zelli for research assistance and the Italian National Research Council for its financial support to this research.