Ceris-Cnr, W.P. N° 06/2010   

Sussidiarietà e istruzione
tecnico-professionale in Italia.
Note metodologiche per la ricerca

Lauro Carlo

Ragazzi Elena

Università Federico II di Napoli
e Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà
Via Cintia - Complesso Monte Sant'Angelo

Via Real Collegio, 30
10024 Moncalieri (Torino)

80126 Napoli



Abstract: Technical education and training is now interested by a reform process, trying to integrate the different paths that a student can follow to get a technical degree: the professional schools and training courses. Another challenge is that of integrating in the new system the lessons coming from best innovative practices in the field of the fight to early school living. For this reason the level of application of subsidiarity principle can help to explain differences in the job and social outcome for students. The paper analyses the methodological aspects to be afforded to design a research on the level and effects of subsidiarity in the technical educational system.  

Keywords:   Technical and professional education, training evaluation, placement evaluation, subsidiaity, educational system reform.

 JEL-codes: I21